European industries must disinvest in West Africa’s booming fishmeal and fish oil sector

European industries must disinvest in West Africa’s booming fishmeal and fish oil sector

The growth of this sector, controlled by foreign investors and almost exclusively directed to foreign markets is rapidly depleting one of the most important natural resources for coastal communities in the region, who have not been consulted and are provided with almost no compensation.

Is Blue Growth compatible with securing small scale fisheries ?

Is Blue Growth compatible with securing small scale fisheries ?

In this new report, CFFA highlights six areas of concern that demonstrate how incompatible blue growth is with the development of healthy, sustainable artisanal fisheries and how it prevents the advance of the responsible governance of tenure to achieve food security and poverty eradication

New IPCC-report on Climate Change and the State of Our Oceans: Will this expose the fallacy of Blue growthism?

New IPCC-report on Climate Change and the State of Our Oceans: Will this expose the fallacy of Blue growthism?

The launch on Friday of the report on oceans by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is an opportunity to challenge the ecological credentials of the ‘blue growth’ concept. This dangerously claims that economic growth in ocean industries can be done in a sustainable way. However it is now urgent that this unproven claim is scrutinised, and alternatives to economic growth for ocean economies are given more serious attention.

Government transparency for ocean governance: Why the human rights based approach should be prioritised, not fighting IUU fishing

Government transparency for ocean governance: Why the human rights based approach should be prioritised, not fighting IUU fishing

For small-scale fisheries organisations it is important that the international push for transparency is not dominated by anti-IUU campaigns. Poor information sharing between governments and small-scale fisheries affects a much wider set of issues relating to tenure rights and ensuring fair and sustainable access to fish.